Nestle knows no crisis, profits of 8.5 billion euros

Nestle does not feel quite the crisis, global group of the food sector employs over 280 thousand employees, does not seem to have noticed the crisis. Swiss multinational company recorded ne2012-en, a net profit of CHF 10.6 billion, which is equal to 8 and a half billion euro, an increase of 11.6% compared to 2011.

Nestle nuk e ndjen fare krizen, grupi boteror i sektorit te ushqimit qe puneson mbi 280 mije punonjes, duket se nuk e ka vene re krizen. Kompania multikombetare zviceriane ka regjistruar ne2012-en, nje fitim neto prej 10,6 miliard franga, qe jane te barabarta me 8 miliard e gjysem euro, me nje rritje prej 11,6%, ne krahasim me vitin 2011.

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